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Power of Laughter

I await the new fine lines, or rather concrete wrinkles.

From the laughter and delight of the family gathered at my stoop.

This family, “What a hoot!” I knew when they moved here,

we would be a perfect fit,

providing a place for her to sit.

To think, to ponder, to breathe, to escape, and to create.

The vision of healing, freedom, and beauty would be our time together.

The sounds of living life with all of them just warms my innermost being,

like the sun to my outermost layering.

We are intertwined,

like fine wine

ripe in due time.

She is strong and sturdy like me.

The time is nearing when she will be able to clearly see

she is healed, freed, and living life.

Once only imagined,

now fully engaging.

New, different, beautiful,

like the butterflies that cocoon in my coolness of concrete.

She too is emerging, as I am aging,

together Father Time is elating.

So smile, laugh, giggle, and love completely,

my family.

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